Sunday, October 15, 2006

Two Weeks????

OMG I can't beleive it's been 2 weeks since I posted here! Seems like I have been busy or no time to post though. We've been housesitting and taking care of an old sickly cat that is really pretty, and an old horse too. Hombre, the horse is really cool. He loves to eat carrots from your hands! The first time I gave him carrots from my hand it was scary...for me!! I have never had much dealings with a horse, but he didn't bite me! It was fun just to watch him eat his hay and/or grain when I fed him. I would just stand there and watch him some...and boy was he a noisy eater!! Button took care of Sophie, the cat, more so than I did. Sophie is a really old cat and has to have medicine which she doesn't like. A pretty cat though, and I think she must have had a pretty good life. Now, the sit job is over and we are glad that we don't have to make that drive into and out of that house. It was a terrible place to have built a house. Such a steep hill to come up out of and hardly any room to turn around once you got in there. In fact, I almost got myself stuck in there in my truck. Of course, I do have a large truck...not a baby that you need 40 acres to turn around! We moved some chairs that was in the way of an area that we could use to turn around and when I backed into that area, we found out why the chairs were there! It was VERY SOFT ground. I had to put in 4wd to get out of there! Needless to say, we didn't take my truck back over there! The jeep can turn on a dime and was much easier to manuever there than my truck!

Yesterday, we went to the Rock'n For The Kids that was at the fairgrounds. It was a rock climbing challenge...for jeeps, buggies, etc., not for people to climb! It was quite interesting and fun to watch. Button bought me a tshirt that is pretty cool, and told me happy birthday! We did get some pics of the event, and Button may post some on her blog. You will have to check out her blog if you want to see them!

Speaking of my birthday....Button will be treating me to Cattleman's on Friday night. We are taking a friend with us as well, whose birthday is the 21st. So there will be 2 of us celebrating our birthdays that night! I love a good steak and Cattlemans is the place! The Cowboy Ribeye is what I will have. Love ribeye steak and they have the most tasty, juicy ribeye you could sink your teeth into! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! LOL Yes, I'm looking forward to next weekend already!! So excited about it, I decided to take Friday off from work even!!

It being Sunday now, it's football day! The 49ers will play at 1 today and the Raiders play at 5. The Saints are playing right now, but they are not on a channel we can get so I have to keep up with their score from the game that is on presently. As of now, they are winning 10-0 against the Eagles. GO SAINTS!! I truly hope they can shut out the Eagles but I will be just as happy with a win for them. They are currently 4-1 so it would be way nice to see them go 5-1, especially against the Eagles. Of course I am pulling for the 49ers to win today as well. They did win against the Raiders last week. I was glad to see that!! I know, I know, the Raiders bigtime fans were not happy about that! Don't get me wrong though, I like the Raiders too, but I will pull for the 9ers over the Raiders. As long as the Raiders aren't playing the 9ers, I will pull for the Raiders! At least I will get to see both of those games today. One thing that I would LOVE to do, is to take Button to a 49er game. I wouldn't care who they were playing just as long as I could take her to the game. She has NEVER been to a live football game and it would thrill me so much to be able to take her to one. Maybe one day...I certainly hope so. I would love to do that for her.

Well, have a great day everyone, and maybe I will get to post here again before too long. Where does all the time go?


At 7:27 AM, Blogger vicci said...

It is almost Nov. 1 now!!!! You need to post girl!!!! Happy Birthday! Love ya

At 11:17 AM, Blogger vicci said...

Me again girl!!! it's Tuesday the 24th!!!! You of course know that means...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECCA!!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!! LOVE, Vic

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Mary Bee said...

Hey Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Becca
Happy Birthday to you

Hope your Birthday is wonderful.


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